import os import pickle from typing import List from PIL import Image, ImageFile import numpy as np from multiprocessing import Pool, Manager ImageFile.LOAD_TRUNCATED_IMAGES = True class PictureInfos: def __init__(self, image_path, color, used): self.image_path = image_path self.color = color self.used = used def get_average_color(image_path): with as img: img = img.convert('RGB') np_image = np.array(img) avg_color = np.mean(np_image, axis=(0,1)) return avg_color def get_color_space_array(target_image_path): with as img: global PIXELS_TO_FILL_WIDTH global PIXELS_TO_FILL_HEIGHT PIXELS_TO_FILL_WIDTH = int(np.floor(img.size[0]/width_segments_count)) PIXELS_TO_FILL_HEIGHT = int(np.floor(img.size[1]/height_segments_count)) img = img.convert('RGB') matrix = np.zeros((height_segments_count, width_segments_count, 3)) for y in range(height_segments_count): for x in range(width_segments_count): pixels = [] for i in range(PIXELS_TO_FILL_HEIGHT): for j in range(PIXELS_TO_FILL_WIDTH): r,g,b = (img.getpixel((x*PIXELS_TO_FILL_WIDTH + j,y*PIXELS_TO_FILL_HEIGHT + i))) pixels.append([r,g,b]) matrix[y][x]= np.mean(pixels, axis=0) return matrix def get_picture_names(file_path): return os.listdir(file_path) def get_closest(target, allPictures): image: PictureInfos closest = np.inf closest_path = '' for image in allPictures: if not image.used: color = image.color delta = np.sqrt(((target[0]-color[0])**2)+((target[2]-color[1])**2)+((target[2]-color[2])**2)) if(delta == 0): # image.used = True return image.image_path if (delta0) or (delta>closest and delta<0): closest = delta closest_path = image.image_path return closest_path def create_picture_segment(target, allPictures, starting_layer, end_layer, width_segments_count, PIXELS_TO_FILL_WIDTH, PIXELS_TO_FILL_HEIGHT, FILLING_QUALITY): picture_piece ='RGB', (int(width_segments_count*PIXELS_TO_FILL_WIDTH*FILLING_QUALITY), int((end_layer-starting_layer)*PIXELS_TO_FILL_HEIGHT*FILLING_QUALITY))) layer_offset = 0 for layer in target[int(starting_layer):int(end_layer)]: segment_offset = 0 for segment in layer: closest = get_closest(segment, allPictures) closest_img = closest_img = closest_img.resize((PIXELS_TO_FILL_WIDTH*FILLING_QUALITY, PIXELS_TO_FILL_HEIGHT*FILLING_QUALITY)) picture_piece.paste(closest_img, (segment_offset*PIXELS_TO_FILL_WIDTH*FILLING_QUALITY, layer_offset*PIXELS_TO_FILL_HEIGHT*FILLING_QUALITY)) segment_offset +=1 layer_offset += 1 print(layer_offset,'Layer done') return picture_piece if __name__ == '__main__': ### Starting sequence ### target_path = input('Input relative path for target image: ') print('For best results put segments at same value') user_input = input('Input segment width count (Higher=more pictures used. Default = 100. Musn\'t exceed pixel of original): ') try: width_segments_count = int(user_input) except: width_segments_count = 100 user_input = input('Input segment height count (Higher=more pictures used. Default = 100. Musn\'t exceed pixel of original): ') try: height_segments_count = int(user_input) except: height_segments_count = 100 user_input = input('Input quality for filling pictures (1=default, 2=double the size): ') try: FILLING_QUALITY = int(user_input) except: FILLING_QUALITY = 1 user_input = input('Input worker count: (default 1) Recomended PC\'s cores if you dont want to kill your PC: ') try: working_size = int(user_input) except: working_size = 1 ### Getting all pictures ### if 'allPictures.pkl' not in os.listdir(): source_categories = os.listdir('./101_ObjectCategories') allPictures = list() print('Getting all pictures') for category in source_categories: imgs_path = './101_ObjectCategories/'+category category_images = get_picture_names(imgs_path) for img in category_images: img_path = imgs_path +'/'+img allPictures.append(PictureInfos(img_path, get_average_color(img_path), False)) print(category,'done') with open('allPictures.pkl', 'wb') as file: pickle.dump(allPictures, file) print('done') else: with open('allPictures.pkl', 'rb') as file: allPictures = pickle.load(file) print('Segmenting target') target = get_color_space_array(target_path) print('Segmenting done') ### Start to create image ### # print((int(width_segments_count*PIXELS_TO_FILL_WIDTH*FILLING_QUALITY), int(height_segments_count*PIXELS_TO_FILL_HEIGHT*FILLING_QUALITY))) working_length = np.floor(len(target)/working_size) pool = Pool() picture_segments = pool.starmap(create_picture_segment, [(target, allPictures, working_length*i, working_length*(i+1), width_segments_count, PIXELS_TO_FILL_WIDTH, PIXELS_TO_FILL_HEIGHT, FILLING_QUALITY) for i in range(working_size)]) pool.close() pool.join() i = 0 new_im ='RGB', (int(width_segments_count*PIXELS_TO_FILL_WIDTH*FILLING_QUALITY), int(height_segments_count*PIXELS_TO_FILL_HEIGHT*FILLING_QUALITY))) for segment in picture_segments: new_im.paste(segment, (0, int(i*PIXELS_TO_FILL_HEIGHT*FILLING_QUALITY*working_length))) i +=1'final.jpg')